Friday 8 February 2013

Hey, good lookin' - what (or rather who) you got cookin'?

Roasted: The Perfect Italian Barbecue with Giordano Bruno
Benvenuto! – or Welcome! if you prefer. My name is Giordano Bruno – and this is my Perfect Italian Barbecue. 
(Actually that's not my name and I'm not even one person, but two (currently) and maybe more to follow - but chi se ne frega?)

Visited the Bel Paese at least twice? Tried out all the recipes from Nigellissima and watched every episode of Montalbano? Confident that you can appreciate the difference between a macchiato and a marocchino when you’re ordering your morning coffee?

Think you know Italy?
Think again.

In this irreverent – and, frankly, heretical – blog, English-speaking know-it-alls who have been there, seen it all and got la maglia show you another side of the boot-shaped country that you never imagined existed. We debunk popular myths and trample all over carefully-constructed misconceptions in our 1953 horsebit Gucci loafers. But we also giving you some handy tips and trade secrets on how to savour the most delicious ironies of Italian life, love, food – and, of course, politics.

No Italian feast would be complete without a barely-credible shaggy dog story, outrageous flirting,  a feud, endless toasts – and, of course, an enormous dollop of sentimentality topped off with a maraschino cherry of wit. We promise the lot – but with a refreshingly acerbic Anglo-Saxon take guaranteed to leave a bad taste in your mouth.

If you like The Perfect Italian Barbecue with Giordano Bruno, then please tell your friends. If you don’t, then… vattene scemo! Maleducato inglese che no sa cucinare un ca**o !

You have been warned…

Robert Dennis
Gino De Blasio

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